Community Day Buttons and Halloween Event!

We’ve finished up the artwork for the Beldum community day buttons. The buttons will feature shiny Metagross (which gets an exclusive move during the event)! These will be handed out at Riverside Park during community day by admins/mods of the Discord to anyone that would like one.

Shiny Metagross Button Art

We are in the works of planning a Trick or Treat type event to be held at Riverside Park. We need to lock down a date/time that works for most people, so please vote in the polls below the event information.

We would have 5 or 6 stations in the park set up where people will be handing out candy. We are designing some special Halloween buttons which will be available at the main station. We also will have flyers with information on our Discord and Facebook groups for those that are new to the Pokemon community.

Please let us know if you’d be interested in participating, helping with the event, or donating for buttons/candy/flyers. We will need some volunteers to sit and pass out candy. We will also need to see what day and time would work best for most people. We are really excited to make this event a reality and hopefully have more in the future.

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If you would like to donate to the costs of producing the buttons, stickers, and flyers please send the money to MasterOmok via PayPal (include your trainer name in the message with your donation). Any amount helps keep these items produced for future events, and allows us to spread to the entire community!

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